Thursday 3 September 2015

Family of Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Requests Audience with Iran’s President

The wife and children of imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini are petitioning the President of Iran for his release.
Pastor Abedini has been unjustly imprisoned since 2012 in a dangerous Iranian prison. Reports say that Abedini has suffered beatings from guards that require medical attention which Abedini has not been given.
Abedini’s wife, Naghmeh, has written a letter to Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations, appealing to him to grant a meeting between himself, Foreign Minister Zarif, President Rouhani, and herself, according to Charisma News.
The Iranian Foreign Minister will be in New York later in September to attend the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly and Naghmeh and children Rebekka and Jacob are taking the opportunity to do all they can to get Abedini released.
Naghmeh writes in her letter, “My husband has great love and respect for Iran, and this why, during the three years before his imprisonment, our family has committed to opening an orphanage for young street children. When Saeed returned to Iran in 2012, as he had done so many times, it was to put in place the final board member, a devoted Shia Muslim from Qom. Though we have lived in the United States with our children since 2005, we have been committed to serving some of Iran's most needy.”
The letter continues, “Saeed is not a threat to Iran or the stability of its government. Saeed is a husband and a father. . . The purpose of the United Nations General Assembly is to facilitate discussion and decision-making that advances peace and security around the world. Yet, my husband remains in prison for nothing more than the peaceful exercise of his faith. Therefore, it is with the same spirit of diplomacy and decency that governs the annual session of the U.N. General Assembly that I respectfully request a meeting for myself and my legal counsel with President Rouhani, Foreign Minister Zarif and yourself to discuss Saeed's situation. I will make myself available at your convenience.”
Rebekka and Jacob also wrote letters to the Ambassador, with touching pictures of their plea to have their father back.
If you would like to sign the petition to get Pastor Saeed Abedini released, click here.
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