Sunday 11 June 2017

Catholic archbishop urges Nigerians to pray for unity, peace

Catholic archbishop urges Nigerians to pray for unity, peace
The Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, the Most Rev. Adewale Martins, on Sunday called on Nigerians irrespective of religious beliefs to pray for the unity, peace and development of the country.

Martins made the call at the 50th anniversary of SS Mulumba and David Catholic Church, Lawanson, Lagos.

Martins said that an environment of peace, tolerance and harmonious living among the people irrespective of religious and political differences could lead to meaningful development.

“All hands must be on the deck to build again a virile nation, where love and harmony, forgiveness and peace, equity and prosperity will reign supreme.

“Our country’s shoulders will be raised high among the comity of nations. All Nigerians irrespective of religion should pray for the resurrection of what our nation has lost, “he said.

The cleric urged Nigerians to remain patient in the face of political and religious intolerance, insecurity and economic hardships because Jesus would help them triumph over all of them.

He also urged Christians to pray for the country’s leaders to lead the citizens with the fear of God.

“We should pray for fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit on our leaders so that they can lead us aright. We must not trade the unity of our nation, the federal character of our nation must be respected.

“Therefore, as a nation, those who have responsibility of our nation should ensure there is true federation, they must establish trust among the leaders and the led, they must work for the unity of our country, ” he added.

Martins urged Catholics to show the importance of the most Holy Trinity by making the sign of the cross.

“As we celebrate the Holy Trinity today, we celebrate the majesty which belongs to only God alone and the glory that belongs to the Holy Trinity.

“We should be united and take as our lesson from the Holy Trinity to make a difference in the world as Christians,” he said.

Martins called on Christians to always thank God, saying that the celebration of 50 years of the church called for thanksgiving for blessings received individually and as a community.

He urged the faithful to strive to attain holiness and make heaven which is their goal,

He also admonished the faithful to be their brother’s keeper and live a life of holiness and virtue.

The archbishop administered the sacrament of confirmation on 200 youths from different parishes on the occasion.

The archbishop explained that confirmation made recipients soldiers of Christ, ready to preach the gospel and work for God.

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