Thursday 1 June 2017

Bishop TD Jakes Honors Wife on 35th Anniversary

Bishop T.D. Jakes and his wife, Serita, pose for a family photo during his 35th Anniversary Celebration at the AT&T Performing Arts Center/Winspear Opera House on June 8, 2012, in Dallas, Texas. The event also marked the couple's 30th wedding anniversary.

Bishop T.D. Jakes is celebrating 35 years of marriage this week by publicly honoring his wife.

akes, the televangelist who leads The Potters House church in Dallas, Texas, took to social media to express how much his wife Serita Jakes means to him when the pair celebrated their wedding anniversary Tuesday.

"35 years of marriage today to this beautiful lady. A lot has happened in 35 years," he wrote. "Whether up or down, her love has been consistent and constant! I'm a blessed man!"

In reflecting about his life, Jakes revealed that the pair have had to endure some major challenges and changes throughout the years.

"Many that started with us have gone on and some have split up. Our parents are gone, our church home has moved and all our children are grown," he wrote. "The constant has been our unwavering love and her consistent loyalty to me and the vision God gave me! Happy Anniversary @seritajakes You are loved!"

Mrs. Jakes was grateful for the honor and replied to his message by writing, "thank you my love! Love you."

Sarah Jakes Roberts, the 28-year-old daughter of the pair, also chose to publicly honor her parents on their special day. In her lengthy Instagram message, Jakes Roberts revealed some things that she has learned by witnessing her parents' marriage.

"One of the lessons I value the most is how they've taught me to show up. My parents will do whatever it takes," she wrote. "They'll mop the floors or speak at inauguration. My parents will fry chicken for a grieving family or dine with kings and queens."

Those moments remind her about her parents' unchanging character.

"They never let the room they're in define who they are, they allow the room to adjust to their truth. That truth is one of kindness, generosity, and compassion to all," she wrote. "When they walk in the room what you see is what you get and what you get leaves you feeling better than you were before. I'm grateful to be from their stock."

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