Wednesday 1 March 2017

Pastor Greg Locke Is Livid After People Send Donations to Planned Parenthood in His Name

Pastor Greg Locke holds up a thank you letter from Planned Parenthood.

Pastor Greg Locke is certain "Planned Parenthood does not give the flip of a wooden nickel about women's healthcare" so he's urging progressives to stop wasting their time sending donations to the abortion provider in his name.

The popular lead pastor and conference speaker of Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, recently announced to his more than 1 million Facebook followers that people have been sending donations to Planned Parenthood in his name and he isn't very happy about it.

"So today in the mail I got a very shocking and very interesting card. It came from Planned Parenthood, which is a very strange organization to be sending me anything at all because everyone knows my very bold and biblical stand against them," Locke said last Tuesday.

"But here's what's interesting. Here's what the card said. 'Dear Greg Locke.
 Planned Parenthood Federation of America is pleased to let you know that a generous and thoughtful donation has been made in your honor by' and then apparently the hater's name was Christa Ginsberg in Houston, Texas. And it doesn't say how much it was and then sincerely, you know, the Richards lady that runs Planned Parenthood," he said.

Locke then went on to dismiss the "thank you" and said the donation was a waste of time.

"It was an absolute waste of your money. And the stamp was an absolute waste of your money as well," he told his "hater."

"Don't ever send me anymore nonsense from Planned Parenthood. There has never been an organization in the world that has killed more innocent peopl,e other than radical Islam, than that of Planned Parenthood. Look, I'm just gonna say it boldly whether you like it or not. Planned Parenthood does not give the flip of a wooden nickel about women's healthcare. It's a bunch of deceptive individuals that are in it for the money," he explained.
He then warned others who might want to send donations in his honor that any literature sent to him from Planned Parenthood will be dumped in the trash.

"If nothing else becomes of this video, I at least want everyone to know that Pastor Greg Locke has absolutely, positively, totally nothing to do with Planned Parenthood and I don't want my name associated with this wicked mess. Just save your stamps Planned Parenthood because every time you send me a 'thank you' letter, it's going right in the garbage where it belongs," he said.

Since publishing his video, however, Locke has drawn the attention of an atheist group on Reddit where even more donations in his name to Planned Parenthood are being encouraged.

"He just inspired me to donate $25 in his honor. Doing the work of the Lord, Pastor Greg. Merci for the guilding," wrote Reddit user Milesmac in a sarcastic message.

A GoFundMe page started by Daniel McNamara from Los Angeles, California, was also launched with a goal to raise $10,000 for Planned Parenthood. Just over $500 has been donated in two days by 22 people and McNamara has promised to send a personalized letter from every donor to Locke.

"[W]hat we are gonna do is step up what Christa did," wrote McNamara.

"All donations to this campaign will be directed to Planned Parenthood and for every donation, Greg will receive a personal letter with your name on it, courtesy of me. I will also include a signed autographed picture of me in a sweet a-- turtle neck," he added.

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