Wednesday, 8 March 2017

America Can't Afford 'A Day Without a Christian Woman'

People gather for the Women's March in Washington, D.C. January 21, 2017.

Masses of women are going on strike Wednesday by participating in "A Day Without a Woman" protest organized by left-wing activists, but many others are refusing to join a movement they believe has shown contempt for conservative Christian values.
Among the issues being promoted by A Day Without a Woman (which is being held on International Women's Day) is "solidarity with the sex workers' rights movement," abortion, "gender justice for two-spirit and gender nonconforming people" and the belief that motherhood is "the number one predictor of poverty."

Women are being asked to "refrain from paid and unpaid work," even if it involves child care or elder care, and to "refrain from shopping in stores or online," especially at retailers that sell products affiliated with the Trump brand.
Women participating in the movement are being told they can, however, "shop at local small businesses and women-owned businesses," but only those that "support" the cause.

Chelsen A. Vicari, evangelical action director for the Institute on Religion & Democracy, the conservative Christian women she knows don't plan to participate in A Day Without a Woman "because their perspectives on social issues are not respected or welcomed by the campaign's radical feminist organizers and their pro-abortion principles."

"As usual, the modern feminist movement undermines the source of women's worth and what it means to be a Christian," Vicari said. "We know our Creator endowed us with inherent worth and dignity. Our value isn't measured by our gender. Just like it isn't measured by our relationship status, job title, or salary.
Our identity as Christian women means we are cherished and charged with a responsibility to spread Christ's message of saving grace and to act as a light in the darkness.
A Day Without A Woman, March 8, 2017.
"My advice to Christian women on March 8: Show up to your ministries and mission fields — whether that looks like a desk job, volunteering at a local nonprofit, or discipling young children. Sure, we might be tempted to completely step away from responsibilities in our communities in hopes of some recognition. But our communities really can't afford a day without Christian women and the precious message we offer."

Among the institutions being negatively affected by the strike is public education, as school districts in Prince George's County, Maryland, Alexandria, Virginia, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, announced on Tuesday night that they will be closed Wednesday after hundreds of teachers and transportation workers all requested the day off.

"In Alexandria Public Schools in Northern Virginia, more than 300 staff members have asked for the day off, prompting district officials to take the extraordinary step of canceling class. In a note on its website, the superintendent said its 18 schools would not have enough teachers on Wednesday,"

At public schools in New York City where classes aren't being canceled, female students are planning to join A Day Without a Woman by urging girls not to participate in class discussions or answer teachers' questions. Instead, they're being told they should be "seen and not heard."

A Day Without a Woman is organized by the Women's March that was held worldwide on Jan. 21 to protest the election of President Donald Trump.
Billionaire George Soros, through his Open Society Foundation, gave over $249 million to "100 of the Women's March partner groups over 14 years," a division of the conservative Media Research Center.

Organizers for A Day Without a Woman did not provide comment on this story.

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