Tuesday 28 February 2017

Witches 'Casting Spell' on Trump Is Real, Jesus Himself Warned of Dark Spirits: AFA

U.S. President Donald Trump prays during the National Prayer Breakfast event in Washington, U.S., February 2, 2017.

Conservative radio host Bryan Fischer warned that threats of spiritual warfare and reports of witches placing curses on President Donald Trump should be taken seriously. He pointed to Jesus Christ who warned of "dark spirits" in the world.
Fischer, host of the "Focal Point" show on American Family Radio, said in an article for the American Family Association that Trump is facing a "spiritual war," citing news reports of self-proclaimed witches carrying out mass rituals against the American president.

The practicing witches gathered Friday at midnight to cast a collective spell, aimed at keeping Trump from "harming people and nature."

The witches said they would continue casting the spell every waning crescent moon until Trump is out of office.

"Please join us in a binding ritual this evening with many other covens and private practitioners," said W.I.T.C.H. Boston, one of the participating groups.

"Create your own binding in accordance to your beliefs and power centers, or follow us as we practice a version of the binding that has been passed throughout the community."

Fischer argued that even though "so-called intellectuals" might scoff at the idea of demonic spirits and curses, the Bible warns that such dangers are real.

"Jesus, who knew more about the spirit world than all the intellectuals in the world put together, was under no illusions about the existence of the underworld and the mission of dark spirits who attack human beings," he wrote.

"A good part of His earthly ministry was spent delivering people from the power of demons," Fischer continued.

"This was not, as some think, a case of Jesus accommodating Himself to the misguided perceptions of his day. As He said on another topic, 'If it were not so, I would have told you' (John 14:2). Jesus came to earth to destroy superstition, not adapt to it."

The radio host positioned that "demons are real," and can be "invoked and summoned," just like Christians can invoke the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

"We are entering into a period of spiritual warfare as a nation the likes of which we have not seen since World War II," he warned.

Earlier this month, a Melbourne, Florida, pastor described his experience at Trump's rally, saying he felt "demonic activity" there.

"I have been in places and experiences before where demonic activity was palpable," Joel Tooley, pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene, said in a Facebook post when describing the hostility he felt from Trump's supporters, particularly against anti-Trump protesters. "The power of the Holy Spirit of God was protecting me in those moments and was once again protecting me and my daughter in this moment."

He said that his daughter was "shaken" by the entire experience, as she had witnessed "some of the worst of humanity."

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