Saturday 25 February 2017

Bishop attacks Trump

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The Bishop of San Diego has attacked U.S. President Donald Trump, telling his audience of social justice warriors that they should disrupt Trump’s efforts to fulfil his campaign promises.

n a 20-minute address to the U.S. regional meeting of the World Meeting of Popular Movements, Bishop Robert McElroy said that “President Trump was the candidate of disruption. He was the disrupter.

“Well, now we must all become disrupters,” he said.

Acknowledging that the United States is living “a pivotal moment as a people and a nation” in which “bitter divisions cleave our country and pollute our actual dialogue,” the bishop urged his hearers to resist the temptation to unite under the president and rather to oppose him at every turn.

“We must disrupt those who would seek to send troops into our streets to deport the undocumented, to rip mothers and fathers from their families,” McElroy said.

“We must disrupt those who portray refugees as enemies, rather than our brothers and sisters in terrible need.
We must disrupt those who train us to see Muslim men and women and children as sources of fear rather than as children of God.”

“We must disrupt those who seek to rob our medical care, especially from the poor. We must disrupt those who would take even food stamps and nutrition assistance from the mouths of children,” he said.

The crowd of nearly 700 “community organizers and social justice ‘protagonistas’” interrupted the bishop’s address nearly two dozen times with cheers and applause.

Further along in his speech, the bishop seemed to suggest that alternative media such as Breitbart are guilty of poisoning public discourse with a different version of key news stories, which he labelled as “dishonest.”

“Now we’ve come to a time when alternate facts compete with real facts, and whole industries have arisen to shape public opinion in destructively isolated and dishonest patterns,” said McElroy.

Betraying his own economic biases, the bishop endeavored to pit a free market economy against human dignity, as if a centrally controlled economy were somehow more respectful of the dignity of individuals than an economy where creativity and personal economic initiative are encouraged.

McElroy said that “the fundamental political question of our age” was whether American economic structures will receive greater freedom or be directed in a way “to safeguard the dignity of the human person and the common good of our nation.”

Bishop McElroy said: “Let all the world know that this economy kills,” the bishop said amidst cheers, urging his hearers to agitate for an increase in the minimum wage to “at least $15 an hour.
“Well, now we must all become disrupters,” he said. Acknowledging that the United States is living “a pivotal moment as a people and a nation” in which “bitter divisions cleave our country and pollute our actual dialogue,” the bishop urged his hearers to resist the temptation to unite under the president and rather to oppose him at every turn. “We must disrupt those who would seek to send troops into our streets to deport the undocumented, to rip mothers and fathers from their families,” McElroy said. “We must disrupt those who portray refugees as enemies, rather than our brothers and sisters in terrible need. We must disrupt those who train us to see Muslim men and women and children as sources of fear rather than as children of God.” “We must disrupt those who seek to rob our medical care, especially from the poor. We must disrupt those who would take even food stamps and nutrition assistance from the mouths of children,” he said. The crowd of nearly 700 “community organizers and social justice ‘protagonistas’” interrupted the bishop’s address nearly two dozen times with cheers and applause. Further along in his speech, the bishop seemed to suggest that alternative media such as Breitbart are guilty of poisoning public discourse with a different version of key news stories, which he labelled as “dishonest.” “Now we’ve come to a time when alternate facts compete with real facts, and whole industries have arisen to shape public opinion in destructively isolated and dishonest patterns,” said McElroy. Betraying his own economic biases, the bishop endeavored to pit a free market economy against human dignity, as if a centrally controlled economy were somehow more respectful of the dignity of individuals than an economy where creativity and personal economic initiative are encouraged. McElroy said that “the fundamental political question of our age” was whether American economic structures will receive greater freedom or be directed in a way “to safeguard the dignity of the human person and the common good of our nation.” Bishop McElroy said: “Let all the world know that this economy kills,” the bishop said amidst cheers, urging his hearers to agitate for an increase in the minimum wage to “at least $15 an hour.”

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The Bishop of San Diego has attacked U.S. President Donald Trump, telling his audience of social justice warriors that they should disrupt Trump’s efforts to fulfil his campaign promises. In a 20-minute address to the U.S. regional meeting of the World Meeting of Popular Movements, Bishop Robert McElroy said that “President Trump was the candidate of disruption. He was the disrupter.”

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