Sunday 17 April 2016

ISIS Releases Video of Civilians Begging for Their Lives before Being Executed

ISIS Releases Video of Civilians Begging for Their Lives before Being Executed
The Islamic State terrorist organization has released a video of Iraqi civilians begging for their lives and trying to escape while the terrorists carry out brutal executions.
The Christian Post reports that the new video, which seems to have been filmed in the Anbar Province of Iraq, shows jihadists beheading and shooting civilians.
One clip of the video shows a man in civilian clothing crawling on the ground, begging the militants to spare his life before they execute him. Other civilians in the video are shown in the infamous orange jumpsuits ISIS makes some of their victims wear.
ISISThe video also shows ISIS militants driving through towns, bombing Iraqi forces.
Though ISIS has continued to be a force to reckon with in the Middle East, President Obama recently stated that their influence “continues to shrink” as the U.S. continues to make progress in defeating them.
In a speech on Wednesday Obama said that due to ISIS’ depleting numbers, "more and more of them are realizing that their cause is lost.”
"Our intelligence professionals and those of other nations have stopped numerous terrorist operatives in Syria and Iraq from entering Europe, thereby preventing attacks and gaining valuable intelligence,” Obama added.
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