Monday 20 July 2015

Mike Huckabee Tells Black Church America Has 'Sin Problem,' Not 'Skin Problem'

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee reportedly delivered a sermon on racial reconciliation at a black church in South Carolina Sunday (July 19). Speaking at Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church, the former Arkansas governor said that the United States does not have a problem with skin, but with sin, according to The Christian Post.

"I hear people say we've got racial problems. We don't have a skin problem in this country, we have a sin problem in this country," said Huckabee.

"We get all wrapped up in the things that divide us. Are you left or are you right? Are you Democrat or Republican? We didn't come here to scream at each other."

Huckabee then addressed the tragic events at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, where nine church members were shot and killed by a white supremacist.

Huckabee said, "The reaction in Charleston was not led by people who wanted revenge. They had to ask for God's grace.”

He continued, "I saw the family members. I felt ashamed of myself because, I'll be honest with you, that was not my first reaction."

CNN Politics said that the sermon was an effort to gain support among black voters. However, Huckabee claimed that he did not come to be a presidential candidate but to preach to the congregation.

By: Carrie Dedrick Editor,

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