Thursday 16 July 2015

'No Way I Can't Believe in God' Says Father Whose Teen Daughter Survived Plane Crash

A 16-year-old girl who was the only survivor of a private plane crash in the North Cascades of Washington state has inspired the faith of her father. 
Christian Today reports Autumn Veatch was flying to Washington with her grandparents when the plane crashed in the wilderness. Veatch waited at the site of the wreckage for rescuers; when none came, the teen walked for two days to find help. 
After hearing of the survival of his daughter, David Veatch said, "I believe in God... There's no way I cannot believe in God."
Veatch was not able to explain the exact location of the crash and rescuers have not yet located the wreckage; the teen is believed to be the only survivor.
Veatch suffered burns, lacerations, and abrasions, and developed rhabdomyolysis, a muscle disorder, but is recovering well.
CNN reports Lt. Col. Jeffrey Lustick of the Civil Air Patrol called Veatch’s survival a “miracle.”
"It's a rarity to have someone come out of this and be able to walk out of a crash scene,” he said.

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